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Английский ( Топики/Сочинения ): Arts

   После ознакомления с содержанием Топика ( Сочинения ) по теме "Россия Советуем каждому из вас обратить внимание на дополнительные материалы. Большинство из наших топиков содержат дополнительные вопросы по тексту и наиболее интересные слова текста. Отвечая на не сложные вопросы по тексту вы сможете максимально осмыслить содержание Топика ( Сочинения ) и если вам необходимо написать собственное Сочинение по теме  "Россия" у вас возникнет минимум сложностей.

   Если у вас возникают вопросы по прочтению отдельных слов вы можете дважды нажать на непонятное слово и в нижнем левом углу в форме перевода есть отдельная кнопка которая позволит вам услышать непосредственно произношение слова. Или также вы можете пройти к разделу  Правила Чтения Английского Языка и найти ответ на возникший вопрос.



   Art is defined in encyclopedias as the process and result of making material works, which reflect beauty or reality. The 'creative arts' denote a number of disciplines whose purpose is to create material things which reflect a message, mood, and symbols for the viewer to interpret.
   Art includes various forms such as prose writing, poetry, dance, acting, sculpture, painting, music, etc. The term 'arts' often means 'fine arts' — painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving. Installation art, furniture, industrial design, graphic design and others are included in applied arts. There are a variety of arts, including visual arts and design, decorative arts, plastic arts, and the performing arts. Artistic expression may take many forms: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, music and architecture. New forms include photography, film, video art, conceptual art, performance art, land art, fashion, comics, computer art. Within each form, a wide range of genres may exist.
   Of all the forms of art, I prefer painting and music. I am really interested in painting for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the oldest forms of art. Humans have been painting for about 6 times as long as they have been writing. The oldest painting found is over 32,000 years old. Painting is a form of art which is believed by many to express feelings and ideas in the visual form. Using visual images — colours, light and shade, forms and shape, a painter makes us understand his concept of life, share his feelings and enjoy the beauty of the world. Secondly, painting offers you a wide choice of styles, it allows us to be as specific or abstract as we please. From the wide range of various art schools and styles (realism, impressionism, cubism, fauvism, surrealism, modernism, pop art, etc.) you can choose one to your liking. The art schools I prefer are realism and impressionism, as I think they depict form and mood in the most distinct and vivid way.
   The second form of art I am really keen on is music. The term 'music' is difficult to define. It can be explained, for example, as the art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. The music that composers make can be heard through several media; the most traditional way is to hear it live, in the presence of performers. Live music can also be broadcast over the radio, television or the internet. Firstly, music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood and changes mine. In doing so, it appeals both to my mind and to the subconscious. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts.
   There are many divisions and groupings of music. Among the larger genres are classical music, popular music or commercial music, country music and folk music. Classical music is sophisticated and refined, but it is a universal form of communication, it historically was the music of the upper strata of society. Popular music is music belonging to any of a number of musical styles that are accessible to the general public; it is mostly distributed commercially. It is sometimes abbreviated to pop music, although pop music is more often used for a narrower branch of popular music. Pop music is usually memorable, with voices, lyrics, instruments creating catchy tunes. Pop music attracts listeners through easy sound images.

   Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Из всего безграничного многообразия видов искусства я предпочитаю живопись и музыку.
2. Искусство пользуется популярностью у многих людей, поскольку оно отражает красоту мира.
3. Изобразительные искусства включают живопись, рисунок, гравюру, скульптуру и ряд прикладных видов искусства, таких как инсталляция, промышленный дизайн, графический дизайн и т. д.
4. Художественное выражение принимает традиционные формы, такие как живопись, скульптура, музыка и архитектура, а также ряд новых форм, таких как фотография, видеоисскусство, концептуальное искусство, ландшафтный дизайн и т. д.
5. Зрительные образы, которые использует художник, такие как цвет, свет, тень, форма, выражают его видение жизни.
6. Важнейшими элементами музыки являются звуки, ритм, гармония и контрапункт.
7. Музыка включает множество жанров (разновидностей), таких как популярная, или коммерческая музыка, музыка кантри, классическая музыка.
8. Классическая музыка раньше была музыкой высших слоев общества, популярная музыка доступна широкой аудитории.

1. Of the unlimited variety of arts, I prefer painting and music.
2. Art is popular with many people because it reflects beauty or reality.
3. Fine arts include painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, and a number of applied arts like installation art, industrial design, graphic design, and so on.
4. Artistic expression takes traditional forms like painting, sculpture, music and architecture, and a number of new forms, such as photography, video art, conceptual art, land art and so on.
5. Visual images used by the painter, such as colours, light, shade, shape express his concept of life.
6. The most important elements of music are sounds, rhythm, harmony and counterpoint.
7. Music includes many genres, such as popular music, or commercial music, country music, classical music.
8. Classical music used to be the music of the upper strata of society, popular music is accessible to general public.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.